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Complaints policy

GDC Requirements & Complaints Policy

In line with European guidance, for all dental professionals providing dental care mentioned on the site the following information must be displayed:

  • Their professional qualification and the country from which that qualification is derived.
  • Their GDC registration number.

Dental practice websites must display the following information:

  • The name and geographic address at which the dental service is established.
  • Contact details of the dental service, including e-mail address and telephone number.
  • The GDC’s address and other contact details, or a link to the GDC website
  • Details of the practice’s complaints procedure and information of who patients may contact if they are not satisfied with the response.
  • The date the website was last updated.

Our Practice Complaints Procedure

In the rare case of a complaint, we want to hear from you. If we don’t know about it, then we can’t fix it.

The first step is to tell us about it. In many cases, complaints can be dealt with effectively and efficiently. You can email us at, phone us and speak to our Practice Manager Sandra Kudla  or just come in to the practice and talk to us. We really do want to help.

If you don’t think we have resolved the issue, then you can use the Dental Complaints Service to raise your concerns. Their details are below:

Dental Complaints Service

Dental Complaints Service
37 Wimpole Street

Telephone: 020 8253 0800
(Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)

Contact via an enquiry from
website :


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