FREE on the NHS

Kids Dentistry Prices

Naturally gifted with your children

We love treating kids. We have a super friendly, talented team offering top-notch dentistry for the super special people in your lives. Children can enjoy a ride on the dental chair, become friends with their dentist and learn all about how to brush their teeth correctly and look after their gums!

Kids Dentist - Dental Elements Surrey
A positive and fun experience means your child grows up with no dental phobias and a smile to be proud of!

Getting the foundations right from an early age with regular trips to the dentist is key, and we place great emphasis on prevention and education. It’s nothing for your” little one” to be scared about; our clinicians are naturally gifted with children and skilled at making the most nervous child feel comfortable and happy in our care. We are super gentle, and kind and have plenty of tricks up our sleeves to make visiting the dentist a positive experience.

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