One in four of us dread going along to the dentist.

Dental phobia experts

We understand that it’s the anticipation of feeling some pain or a previous bad experience. At Dental Elements, we can make you one very big guarantee; we guarantee to look after you really well.

We have loads of techniques at our disposal which work to relax extremely nervous patients.

Read more about our revolutionary techniques:

What you get

  • Really gentle dentists that are very well qualified, great talkers and even better listeners
  • A super approachable reception team to help you book the right appointment you need
  • Lovely nurses will go out of their way to make you feel at ease.
  • NLP techniques.
  • Numbing gels (really great for patients who are nervous about needles)
  • The Wand®: A revolutionary pain-free injections
  • We take our time and don’t rush – so patients never suffer from pain
  • Consistency – once you’re happy with your dentist, you get to keep them forever; lucky you!

Great dentists, fantastic experts, super specialists, kind hygienists, fabulous receptionists and caring nurses.

Virtually Pain-free Injection System

WE PROMISE…You can hardly feel a thing… you will feel more relaxed and have a virtually painless experience.

With Dental Elements, new sophisticated high-tech equipment means you will never have to worry about an injection again.

Needles aren’t exactly welcoming, and numbness isn’t exactly practical, let alone flattering. This is why we have chosen The Wand for all of our anaesthetic needs. A magic instrument, The Wand redefines the application of anaesthesia, providing comfort and ease, two attributes few would relate to injections.

It is the first of its kind and a trailblazer within the Dental industry. The Wand is the first computer-assisted anaesthesia system that provides you with a super comfortable alternative to traditional injections.

The Wand’s state-of-the-art technology allows us to control the level of anaesthetic you receive in a very localised place.

Thank you for choosing Dental Elements! Please contact our team on (01372) 897197 or email
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