10 Invisalign HACKS that help if you are wearing aligners at Dental Elements
We asked a number of our patients what there tips are!
Hack #1 – Don’t forget your case!
Your Invisalign Case IS YOUR FRIEND. Keep it with you, in your pocket, in your hand, Under your hat! – everywhere! There’s nothing worse than arriving at a restaurant and realising you have forgotten your case. So then you need to discreetly wrap it in tissue for the waitress to pick up and throw away. It is so frustrating and expensive.
Hack #2 – Invest in a suitable nail file
Even you are male you need to invest in a suitable nail file. This is because occasionally a brand new aligners can come with some unexpected sharp area that not only irritating but can cut your tongue and cause ulcers! You can easily file the sharp area down, and then all is well. You don’t need to book in at the dentist as you can fix it quick and easy at home.
Hack #3 – Say no to gum!
You have to realise that you cannot chew gum whilst wearing your aligner. It will stick and make a mess. Don’t do it!
Hack #4 – Wear Matte lipstick
You don’t need to give up lipstick whilst wearing your aligner. But you need to think about using the right product, otherwise the lipstick will be on your aligner. Matte lipsticks work better as your lips are dry before making any mouth movements (smiling straight after and after application can leave a mark on your aligner). But don’t worry too much. Even if you do get lipstick on your aligner… it does come very quickly.
Hack #5 – A new aligner before you sleep
Put in your brand new set of new aligners in before going to sleep! Why? you ask… we recommend that you need a minimum of eight hours of undisrupted time whilst your teeth adjust to your new aligners. Your dentist will advise you to keep a new aligner in for a total of 8 hours; this makes sense that it’s at night and not during the day.
Hack #6 – No coloured sweets
Coloured boiled sweets, and gummy sweets are not a good idea. Avoid these if you can. Not only can it cause decay to develop under your aligner, but it can also stain your aligners brown, which can be permanent.
Hack #7 – Emergency toothbrush and mouth wash kit
Don’t forget your toothbrush. It is so important to brush and clean your aligners after you have eaten. Wherever you are.
Hack #8 – Use your aligner removal tool
If you have Invisalign, you will know that taking them out is a new skill to learn, this is more tough AFTER you get your attachments fitted. But there are removal tools available that can help. Use it its worth it.
Hack #9 – Soak during breakfast
We recommend getting some denture removal solution and soaking your aligners whilst having breakfast. It removes all the gunk which has accumulated during the day/night.
Hack #10 – Smile
Smile and show off your lovely smile, talk to your friends about Invisalign. they will be intrigued.
If you are considering iNVISALIGN. Dr Chirag Patel is our INVISALIGN dentist here at Dental Elements. Contact us here for more information.