It becomes Expensive to Wait
When told they need dental work, many people think they don’t want to spend the money, so they avoid getting the job done. However, t
Dental problems are almost always progressive; the longer you wait, the worse they get. If you’ve been advised to have a filling, you might decide to put that off, but the decay continues and then worsens. The tiny hole acts as a trap for food and bacteria and creates a little environment where acid can concentrate. This means a cavity can get worse faster than it initially developed. If you put off dental work for a few months, your need for a filling may become a need for a crown.
Wait too long, and the cavity will penetrate to the tooth pulp–the living part of the tooth. Damage to one tooth can lead to damage to others. Postpone treatment long enough, and you may need complete reconstruction. Waiting to get treatment can often be much more expensive in the long run. If you can’t fit treatment into your current budget, consider joining our patient plan. We can spread the costs over a year, so you will never get any costly surprises. The price you save will typically more than make up any financing charges.
I’m Too Busy
People avoid going to the dentist because they say they don’t have the time. But, again, this is an excuse that could backfire. If you get your tooth treated now, you can do it at your convenience.
If you check your diary, honestly, you can probably spare that much time at some point during the next few weeks. So, let us not put it off and schedule a dentist’s appointment. It just takes an hour or two for minor treatments.
Treatment Scares Me
We understand that fear of the dentist is very common. Dental phobia is more common than arachnophobia (fear of spiders)!
But if you’re afraid of the dentist, it’s best not to postpone treatment. Think about it. What’s worse: a filling or losing a tooth?
Come along to Dental Elements
Dental Elements is comfortable and welcoming. We know how to make people feel comfortable, even if they have dental anxiety. And, trust us, we’re not like other dentists you may have attended.
And for people with more severe anxiety, we can help them overcome it.
Our team are experts in treating highly anxious patients. The goal is to overcome anxiety enough to help you get regular check-ups and preventive care. That way, you can avoid more severe treatments as much as possible.
Don’t Put off Dental Work Any Longer.
Putting off dental work is never a good idea. If you’ve been told you need any dental procedure but haven’t got around to it, we can help!What happens if I